Jacob’s Journey: Sensory needs

This weeks blog comes from Tania Newton, Jacob’s mum. She tells us about some of the challenges they have had with sensory processing issues and how they are overcoming them. Thanks to Tania for sharing with us, if you’d like to see more of Jacob’s Journey check out Tania and Jacob’s Instagram @jacobsjourney2017. Before becoming Read more about Jacob’s Journey: Sensory needs[…]

The A-Z of Words that Parents Associate with a child with Down Syndrome

This week we have a blog written by Sharon Crowley, who runs the T21 Hub website. Thanks to Sharon for sharing this with us. My blogging journey is all about educating people about Down Syndrome and I thought one effective way of doing this was to create a simple A-Z to parents from parents who Read more about The A-Z of Words that Parents Associate with a child with Down Syndrome[…]