On the blog this week, Zoe Taylor tells us about making the decision to transfer her daughter Maddison from mainstream to SEN provision, thank you Zoe, for sharing your experience with us.
Maddison attended a mainstream school from nursery with a full EHCP until the end of year 1. The school was very supportive from the beginning, both the children and staff were amazing with her.
When starting reception she was on a reduced timetable (mornings only). We didn’t want this for her; school wanted to find the right 1:1 for her and after meetings and planning she started full time after the October holidays. Maddison had a full time 1:1 who was amazing and they had a fabulous relationship.
Transitions were made into year 1, but towards Christmas we were informed the TA wouldn’t be returning in January. The school had created a resource room and they felt Maddison would benefit from the small group in there, we were not sure but agreed to give it a go. In January she started in there, she had a special friendship with another girl in there, but we had concerns after a couple of weeks she didn’t seem happy and was spending hardly any time with her peers. We had a meeting with the school and went to look at our local SEN school, which was amazing!!!
We made the decision to ask for change of provision. School did as much as they could to support us and we were upset when we said goodbye.
After months of emails, gathering reports and evidence to support the change with the council she was finally offered a place in July! I cried!! So happy for our girl!!
In the current situation with online videos, transition booklet and pics of her new school, she was ready for her new adventure. In September she took the teacher’s hand and waved bye to me. After 8 weeks we know 100% it was the right decision. She loves the school, she’s so happy. She does cookery, forest school and lots of other fantastic things. Her communication is developing, she’s making friendships and making progress. The school has their own team of Speech and Language Therapists and Occupational Therapists, which was another great positive in making change of provision.
We want Maddison to become as independent as she can and experience as much as she can. We are overcome with joy and happiness at how well she has transitioned to the new school during the present Covid situation. Making the decision was hard, but clearly the right one!!! Mummy and Daddy are so proud of you!!