Welcome to our Resources page. Please feel free to browse through and download anything that you think may be of use to yourself or your local schools, doctor’s surgeries, support groups, etc.
The Down Syndrome Game
This year we are delighted to launch The Down Syndrome Game in collaboration with Focus Games Ltd and I Am Me Scotland.
The online Down syndrome game is designed for schools and settings for children. It is fun, interactive, visual and designed to promote open discussions, education and debates not just about Down syndrome but also differences and inclusion.
The Down Syndrome Game helps children and adults supporting them, to learn about Down syndrome and to understand that children with Down syndrome are, first and foremost, children. Do play and share our game in the lead-up to World Down Syndrome Day as a new resource for fun and interactive awareness.
We Are Family eBook
As part of our World Down Syndrome Day 2021 Campaign we have produced an eBook, full of stories from real families.
The book includes all different family members and people with Down syndrome sharing how they feel about their family. For many of us, when we first found out our children had that magical extra chromosome, seeking out families with real lived experience was a priority.
We felt this was a wonderful way to celebrate the connection of family and give some insight into our lives, not just as parents but siblings, aunties, grandparents, step dads, same sex families, families by adoption and so much more.
School resource pack

This document is a school resource pack which can be used to help your school or nursery have conversations with their students regarding Down syndrome and what it means. It contains facts and games and is a very useful tool for assemblies or just class projects.
Language awareness poster for medical professionals

Language is so important, especially when coming from the mouth of a medical professional. This language awareness poster was created in order to be shared with professionals.